Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wish List Foods--Nutritional Shake

Before we decided that dairy was causing much of Becca's elimination troubles, we let her drink Boost almost daily (because it is gluten-free). Now, we are really wishing we had an alternative to keep her going on car trips, or at other strange times when a gluten-free meal is not readily available, or when her tummy is cramping too bad to eat solid foods.

Does anyone know of a nutritional drink--chocolate flavored of course--that is both gluten AND caseine (dairy) free? If not, I'm going to start trying to come up with a recipe of our own. I'd welcome ideas from other parents of GFCF kids, or from nutritionists!

Oh, and I do want to mention that powdered mixes would be fine. We can always shake it up with a little rice milk from those individual serving packets.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could help with a nutritional drink. I did find this website that specializes in candy for special diets. I haven't been to this store or ordered from it, but it must be only about an hour and a half from our house.
