Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maybe We Should All Go Gluten-Free

As I look around the kitchen, my mommy-laser-vision is focusing in on a million potential sources of cross contamination for Becca's unwitting consumption. There's the toaster that leaks breadcrumbs, the spilled pasta water on the stove top, the vague film of someone's lunch that's covering the table, and I'm pretty sure that knives which have been used to spread jelly on wheat bread have been reinserted into the jelly jar to get just a "little bit more."

So far we haven't experienced any major disasters, but I just feel like we are inviting it by sharing our food prep space this way. I've had other celiac families tell me that it's really just easiest and safest to keep the whole family on a gluten-free diet while in the house. I've been resistant to the change, however.

For one thing, how in the world would a family possibly afford it? Becca's gluten-free diet alone is almost equal to the food costs for the rest of us combined! And in the second place, poor CJ already has a restricted diet of his own with his tree nut/peanut/strawberry/shellfish allergies. And much of Becca's GF/CF food is made with almonds or other nuts.

On the other hand, we have found lots of acceptable alternatives (like the new brownie and cake mixes) that we all get along with--except for that little problem of price. I know I should try to minimize our gluten-containing foods, at the very least.

So is it about to be bye-bye for Sarah Lee in our house? Maybe one of these days. I'm considering heading out for a lotto ticket...

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