For a long while now, we've been accustomed to taking Becca's snacks along wherever we go, to make sure she receives only gluten free, dairy free foods. That includes taking her own snacks to Sunday School and Wednesday night classes at church. It's always been a relief to know how supportive and cooperative her teachers have been, and to know that from one week to the next they are able to remember her needs. The classes are not exactly small, so I'm sure it is no easy task keeping an eye on her around the other children and their animal crackers.
Even though I knew that our church was a community environment where I could feel safe taking my kids despite all of their food allergies and PB's celiac disease, I was still pleasantly surprised this past Sunday morning when we participated in the Communion service. As the volunteers prepared to pass around the communion wafers, the pastor kindly added, "And if anyone is in need of gluten-free wafers, please raise your hand and we'll make sure they get to you."
Wow! I'm so very proud of my church. Even though Becca was not present in the adult service, I still felt joy knowing that when she does move up, she'll be able to participate in this important observance with the rest of her family. Celiac disease does not have to mean exclusion from family and social life.
Here's good wishes for more gluten-free experiences we can all enjoy!
I'm glad to hear that your church is so accomodating. What a great example they are setting for members and other churches.